A Non-Yogi's Look at Yoga - by Kristin Weinberg

Here we are into October and soon enough it will be time for the local Thanksgiving Day race here in Cincinnati, Ohio. When athletes cross train with yoga it’s a magical thing. Especially when it’s yoga that cates to the unique demands of runners. Last year I taught yoga to a group of runners training for the race. Kristin Weinberg was there and she wrote about it.



Allow me to bend your ear for a moment, if you will, about yoga. I have never dug deep in to the practice. Any time I have attempted it on my own (Youtube, at-home DVDs…) my mind immediately starts to wander. My typical thought process usually goes something along these lines:

“What will I make for dinner tonight?”

“I wonder what Naughty (my cat) is doing right now?”

“I really want a taco.”

“Am I doing this right?!… Surely not…”


So, when I was presented with the opportunity to photograph a yoga class I got a little nervous. Clearly I am no yogi, nonetheless I strapped my camera on and stopped in on a pop-up yoga class hosted at Jackrabbit in O’Bryonville; taught by Trisha Durham last Sunday morning.

Please take me seriously when I tell you that the ENTIRE time I was fighting the urge to set my camera down and join these people. They were so graceful, so strong. There was an abundance of peace and body kindness in the room that I found irresistible. Trisha, a full-time yoga instructor who teaches in studio settings and specializes in one-on-one yoga instruction, talked through each pose in a non-intimidating, almost conversational manner which allowed each student to be successful. She focused this class on postures that are beneficial for runners and explained WHY they were beneficial.

I was so intrigued by the 30 minutes I spent just photographing this class, I felt compelled to reach out to Trisha and dig a little deeper in to the benefits of pairing yoga with with running.

“Yoga is a wonderful way to cross train the body if you are a runner. It is such a good compliment because yoga calms the nervous system and invites movement that we don’t get from running or walking long distances.”

I found this response SO INTERESTING! Yoga calms the nervous system and invites movement we don’t get from running… it makes perfect sense, and yet I never thought of that!!!

Trisha also reassured me that we can reap the benefits of yoga even if we don’t have an hour to dedicate to it at a studio. For runners who aren’t practicing yoga at a studio and who want to add in some yoga as cross training, she suggests “2-5 postures that, for example, focus on the low back and hips or hamstrings and foot mobility. It can be done in less than 15 minutes a few times a week.” So, I guess this means no excuses! Everyone can sneak in a quick 15 minutes, right? And most of us can sneak in 30 minutes.

Speaking of Jackrabbit… I got a lot of good vibes from this place!!! They are offering 15% off of merchandise to those who attend these pop-up yoga classes, and if you attend all 3 you may win a free pair of shoes!! I was also highly impressed by their shoe “hall of fame”. They pay homage to many different running brands by the decade and I found it fascinating. So. Many. Shoes. I, however, was most impressed by the helpful, laid back staff. They were so attentive to those shopping without being pushy.

I will tie a bow on this experience by saying I was so grateful to have woke up and witnessed such body positivity and body knowledge last Sunday morning. I am also so grateful for people like Trisha, who give of their time and experience to help people like me feel empowered and educated.